
18 May 2017

Ottawa. June. What Could be Better?

The annual genealogy love fest in the Ontario part of the world fast approaches. The Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) is gathering in Ottawa June 15-19 ― where else to be for the 150th anniversary of Canada's confederation?! For newbies and advanced family historians alike, the Conference at Algonquin College promises an exciting agenda of research assistance, workshops, lectures, technology updates, and DNA experts.

All the numerous facets of family history will be represented here. Well-known companies are sponsoring special events and discounts ... Ancestry, Family Search, My Heritage, Living DNA, National Institute of Genealogical Studies, Drouin Institute, and more. The extensive Marketplace will offer books and unique products from specialized vendors and OGS branches.

A few Conference highlights:
~ visits to local archives and the Canadian War Museum
~ Canadian and international speakers
~ Opening and Closing ceremonies
~ books, books, books for sale
~ Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Genealogical Society
~ Ancestry Day June 19
~ plenty of networking, social opportunities

Everything is well laid out here, including registration options and accommodation:

Never underestimate the importance of social events and meal times for networking: meeting others of like interests. A special time slot on Friday for "first-timers" will help newcomers navigate the weekend choices.

This is the largest conference of its kind in Canada. Algonquin College in Ottawa June 15-19. Pass the word ... !

© 2017 Brenda Dougall Merriman

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