
07 April 2016

Kirk Sessions, Isle of Coll - 6

This is the first entry for 1734.
It covers two and a half pages in the register, the longest entry.
It ended as usual "with prayer" but the clerk added one more item of assistance and two marriages that occurred months later.
"Bail for consignation" money was a deposit made by a relative or friend (sometimes called a cautioner) to the kirk session to ensure that the marriage would take place within a certain time period and the couple would observe chastity until then. The custom was not consistent within the church or across the country. In this case, the money might have been received in March and the clerk was obliged to record later that the events did take place. Canadian family historians may be more familiar with the similar "posting a bond" to ensure the intentions of the proposed marriage.

Ballihough March 28th 1734
After prayer
Sederunt Mr. Hector McLean Modr
The Laird of Coll
Allan McLean of Tottronald Elders
John McLean of Grisibol
Hector McLean of Knock
Donald McDonald

The session finding that there are Several D[elin-]
quents who's fines have not yet been modifyd
do appoint (scribble) John McKerlich vc Neil oig
to pay ten shillings sterling of fines & the
woman that fell with him as many [shilli-]
ngs They also appoint Donald McEa[chan?]
vc Kerlich vc Rory a Relapse in fornication
to pay fifteen shillings sterling
(next page)
[and] the woman that fell with him seven shillings
& six pence
Mary nin Ian vc Eachan a fornicatrix being
Interrogate who was father to her Child Said that it
was John McDhonibaigh vc Ian vc Dhonibaigh
and the said ^John being asked if he had guilt with her
said he had. And being Interrogate about the time
he had guilt with her Said that it was about the
Latter End of May last or the beginning of June
whereas the woman alleges it was about the
Latter End of June Last The Session appoints
the said John to pay Ten Shillings Sterling of
fines & the woman that fell with him seven
shillings & six pence
Fergus McNeil vc Dhoil being Cit
to the Session & having Compeared was Charged
with willfull Desertion in refusing to Cohab
it with his wife And being E(scribble) ----
tly Exhorted to Live with her Said that he
would never Cohabit with her Whereupon
the Session thought it proper to Suspend any Cen-
sure till they Should Consult the Presbytery
[of?] Mull about this affair
Archibald McIan [Iar?] being found
guilty of Stealing a Sheep on the Lord's day
the Session appoints that he Should Stand
befor the Congregation on the next Lord's day
and that he be publickly reproved
The Session moved with the miserable condit-
ion of a fatherless & motherless boy from Tirey
that is much distressed with sickness and Exp-
[osure?] --- to the severity of the weather thro'
(next page)
want of Cloaths did bestow three shillings [ster-]
ling upon him out of the Poor box in order
he may provide himself in some cloaths
The Session appoints John Duigh McKer[lich?]
vc Neil oig to pay three merks of his fines [to?]
old Malcolm McIan vc Dhoil Duigh and
nin Terlich vc Neil oig other three merks of
his fines & The Session shall take --- Am-
The Session appoints John Duigh to pay
the six merks he still owes after paying
the six merks already mentioned to Donald Mc
Ian [mhain?]
The Session appoints Donald McEa-
chan vc Kerlich vc Rory to pay three merks to
a poor blind boy at Tottronald son to Neil
The Session appoints their Collector M[urdoch]
Kennedy to give Donald McIan [mhoir's?]
Children five merks and a half due by Donald
Morison Closd with prayer
The Session appoints two merks & four
pennies to be given to Ter[---]ard in Grisi-
John McDhoil vc [mhurchuigh?] in Feall
and Mary nin Ian were married on the [8th?]
of July 1734 Ter[chaurd?] McDhoil [mhai-]
----- becoming baill for Consignation money
Neil McIan in Faull & Gorm[muill?]
nin Duill married on the 10th of July
1734 John McDonchaig in Faull be-
ing baill for Consignation money
(scribble, end of page and meeting)

© 2016 Brenda Dougall Merriman

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